Ryuichiro Izumi

Assistant Professor of Economics

Wesleyan University


Email: rizumi -at- wesleyan.edu

Address: 238 Church Street, Middletown, CT 06459 



"Opacity: Insurance and fragility," Review of Economic Dynamics, Volume 40, April 2021, Pages 146-169

"Financial Stability with Sovereign Debt," Journal of Financial Stability, Volume 51, December 2020, 100795

"Financial Stability with Fire Sale Externalities," with Yang Li, accepted, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

"Bank Runs and Interventions with Wholesale Funding," with Luis Araujo and Fabrizio Mattesini, R&R, Journal of Economic Theory

"CBDC: Banking and Anonymity," with Yuteng Cheng, submitted

"Rapid Bank Runs and Delayed Policy Responses," with Yang Li, submitted

"Trademarks in Banking," with Antonis Kotidis and Paul Soto

"Opacity, Signaling, and Bail-Ins," with Kentaro Asai and Bruce Grundy

"Regional Integration and Financial Regulation," with Sahoko Kaji, Public Policy Review, Ministry of Finance Japan, vol. 12(2), pages 291-316, March 2016.

(Selected) Work in Progress

"Bank Runs and Debt Runs," with Luis Araujo and Fabrizio Mattesini

"Dynamics of Crisis Response," with Yang Li

"Opacity, Bailouts, and Bank Fragility," with Khai Zhi Sim


"CBDC and Payment Platform Competition” by Y. Liu, E. Reshidi, and F. Rivadeneyra, at the 1st Annual Conference of the Banco Central do Brasil, May 2023


Annals of Finance, European Economic Review, Economic Theory, Finance Research Letters, International Economic Review, International Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Macroeconomic Dynamics